Websites are here to stay!
You don’t want to pay for old technology.
At Deb Manning Design we’ve been designing sites for years …. We’re up on development!
In 1994 we ‘sliced’ all our graphics to create sites. Later we moved to CSS (cascading style sheets). Now we’re producing sites that convert to Mobile easily – bootstrap sites and WordPress.
We follow the trends for you.

New site?
If you’re starting from scratch, here’s some things to consider. Surf the web – get some new ideas.
- Find some sites you like. They don’t have to be in your industry …. just sites you like. They’ll provide clues for what you find pleasing.
- Pick a color scheme. If you have a logo already, your logo will suggest colors you should use… for the sake of branding. But experiment with complimentary colors if you like.
- Brainstorm keywords. Researching your competitors’ keywords may turn up things you hadn’t thought of. If your business relies on location, be sure to list local towns.
- “Content is king.” Now write copy for your site using the keywords above. Keep the most important keywords at the top of the paragraph. This is important for search engine optimization (SEO) – Google will love you.

Do you have a site already?
Search engines don’t like stagnant sites …. you probably have heard that before. So if you’re thinking about making a few changes, go ahead and do it!
If you want us to do it, we call it website maintenance, and we keep a little stopwatch running (an electronic stopwatch of course!) and will make any changes you need.
At a reasonable cost of course.
Our new sites are mostly WordPress. Tho there’s a learning curve, there’s a lot you can do yourself.
For example ….
Our clients are a diversified group! We invite you to visit their sites and see how varied they are ….
Our aim is show you and your business as the unique entities you are! Click to download a website form to give you something to think about when creating your site.
Call today! We offer a FREE initial consultation.
Custom Websites
Here are just a few of our sites.
We would be delighted to customize a website for your company, too!